WMV Converter
Free utility to convert Wmv video files.
Wmv Converter is free conversion utility for Windows that convert any video format, such as avi, mpeg, mp4 and others, into WMV compressed format (video format that has a .wmv extension) Wmv Converter is free application, released under the GNU Public Licence and it is clean software, it contains no abrasive adverts, spying code and it respects user's privacy by not connecting to internet and sending information.
Wmw is a compressed video format invented by Microsoft. It is a very popular format often found encapsulated inside some container format like ASF, AVI or Matroska MKV together with audio stream, often encoded as VMA.
With Wmv Converter you can import your video material from variety of formats, including avi, mpeg, mp4 and convert them into Wmv format. Wmv Converter is fast and user friendly converter with multiple formats output, visual preview area and multiple queue and editing options. With Wmv Converter you can choose the quality of the resulting, converted movie by picking one of the quality presets. You can choose resulting video size (resolution) and frame rate. Wmv Converter has an integrated preview window, where you can scrub and preview your video before converting it to another format.
The best of all, Wmv Converter is free software. It is part of the "Free Media Converters" project which gives people the possibility to convert just about any format, or codec to any another format using one of free, dedicated converters.
For the usage of Wmv Converter check the user manual.
Wmv Converter is tested and proven to be stable and without major bugs. However, the author of Wmv software can not be held responsible for any damage or loss due to the usage of this software. If you used Wmv Converter with success the only thing author asks is to help reach more users by telling someone about it. There are way too many scam/adware/spyware converters on internet and rarely a good, clean and free one to be found. A link to Wmv Converter at your site or blog would be highly appreciated.
To download Wmv Converter use the link bellow.
Current version: 3.2
Release date: 8/4/2010
Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
File Size: 5.00 mb